Monday, August 6, 2007

Prayer and Thinking..

Matt 6:7 (KJV) "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions..."

Thinking with a purpose is one tiring job, and it scares many. Prayer does involve thinking and probably that is one reason why many try to avoid or postpone it.

The above verse clearly states not to use vain repetitions, it implys that we need to think as to what we have to ask, seek and knock about (Matt7:7). Prayer can also be thinking along with God, it is a cognizant effort by us with a reliance, faith and hope on the omnipotent God.

There could be times when we are quite confident on our own thinking/ understanding, we weigh ourselves quite high and lean on our own abilities, and there also could be times when we succeed but there invariably is always a scope for improvement in every aspect that we do if we can take it to God and think along with Him.

There can be a tendency in each of us to get complacent in thinking along with God, maybe we are bored of it and want to jump into an available instant action without heeding the impulse of the Spirit.

Maybe we should take time now and then to prepare a personal blue print for prayer so as to have a free flow of thought, just like some preachers do for a sermon.

Our God wants us to connect our head to His so His brilliance can flow into us in every area of our Life. Lets Connect!!

1 comment:

Richard said...

Interesting article, aurun. Yes we should be connected to God, pray in the holy spirit. When Jesus pray, he and the father God are connected. It is easy to caught up with own thinking with our understanding.