Monday, August 20, 2007

.. really want to believe in prayer?

Do we really want to believe in prayer? Sometimes our actions, attitude to prayer seem otherwise. Honestly, if things would work out even without prayer then I am no fan or fanatic of it and would jump up and dump it!!

Unreached grapes are sour or so we want to believe. If we believe in prayer then we pray and if we do not pray then we latently want to decieve ourselves into disbelieving it.

Christianity begins with prayer and continues with it, its not a one time event but a process. Lacking in prayer is definitely denying oneself an opportunity to be better than the position he/she is in.

p.s: guys am no expert but trying to learn, please shoot your comments.

1 comment:

Richard said...

good point aurun, what;s the point with prayer, well if we don;t pray as you say we might as well give up our christian faith. We might as well give up on God. Why bother? but prayer is essential to the christian faith, its how we communicate to God, how else we going to communicate, other that talking or through actions. prayer is like talking to God in a spiritual content. The bible tells us to never cease praying, that we pray daily. Your right in saying that we should believe in what we pray, what is the point praying if we don;t believe God will answer our prayers, we would be wasting our time.