I have just started to read 'The Power Of Simple Prayer' by Joyce Meyer and can fully recommend it to everyone ( even though I'm just on Chapter 3) . Prayer is not something that we feel we are obliged to do but should want to do . Each person is an individual and God created us to pray in our own unique way . We should pray to God as we would talk to a close friend or spouse - we don't have to change our wording or posture and follow 'set rules' .
Here are a few pointers taken from one of the chapters in the book :
- Prayer is the greatest, simplest privilege of our lives as believers
- The enemy has told us all kinds of lies about prayer, but the truth is prayer is as easy as natural breathing
- Prayer does not have to be long in order to be powerful. In fact some of the most powerful prayers we can pray are concise and to the point
- Prayer does not have to be complicated. It only needs to come from the heart and it does not require us to assume a certain position or adhere to certain 'rules'
- Prayer does not have to be eloquent . We an communicate with God the same way we talk to other people
- We do not have to be perfect to pray or for God to hear our prayers
- Prayer is the easiest and best way to deal with any situation. We need to pray before we do anything else in response to the things that happen in our lives
The last statement hit me as I know that when situations have occurred , I haven't always gone to God first . I might have dwelled on it and talked to my husband and anyone else I wanted to and left God last . In fact the only person who can deal with any situation in your life is God and He should be consulted first . That way it opens the doors for Him to work in your lives.